About us
APM Human Resources deliver robust HR solutions to the SME market. Our advice is a world away from the traditional HR approach. Established in 1998 we work with over 250 companies throughout the UK and boasts a diverse client list from all industrial sectors.
Personal service is our passion and it follows that nearly all of our new business are referrals. We like to get to know our clients and for many we become part of their team. Our reputation is one of being commercially astute, with the goal of adding value to the bottom line. Professionally qualified chartered fellows and members, we offer expert knowledge in our field, being clear communicators and
efficient problem solvers. We are especially talented in tackling and resolving tough poor performance, conduct, discipline and grievance matters and work hard to reduce risk and to educate our clients so they can make sensible, informed and justifiable decisions. The result – saves money by avoiding expensive litigation costs and many wasted hours.

Our services are delivered on two levels: a fixed fee retained membership to Personnel Manager service or pay as you go “PAYGoHR” where clients pay a standard rate for individual services.

0116 239 0300
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